Tools For Evangelism


The HEART OF RAJU (in English), a 22 pp pocket/passport size booklet and in other Indian languages in 2 colours 32 pages has been re-designed and developed from the original tract, to specifically penetrate the non-Christian mindset of young and old alike, making a deep impression as the gospel is made relevant to them. The language level is simple but not childish. Each booklet carries a coupon for a free Emmaus Bible Correspondence course and details of Christian Radio programmes in their language. This info guarantees immediate follow-up opportunities for them. The HEART OF RAJU booklet cost is not much more than an ordinary tract but it packs more punch and people hang on to it longer, often passing it on to their family. It is available in English, Tamil, Kannada, Gujarati, Hindi, Bengali, Oriya, Urdu, Nepali. The same thousand copies costs Rs.1,500/- only.


The style and approach of this booklet does not clash with non Christian mindsets. The 'HEART OF MAN' chart is the focus. All issues are common to all and easily identified with. The solution is also presented effectively and the response to our Lord Jesus is overwhelmingly positive. It is a powerful Gospel Tool for evangelism.



The charts are printed on high quality imported 220gsm art paper; 8 pages, 30 x 20 inches of multi-coloured artwork, expertly laminated with pine-wood clamp. They are wordless and therefore effective across linguistic and cultural barriers anywhere in the world. They are made to last. With very little practice volunteers can hold crowds of young and old spellbound with short, to the point, attention grabbing presentations.



With the chart an instruction manual and a special synthetic waterproof zipped cover is provided

Buy 1 @ Rs.300/- per piece
Buy 10 nos @ 280/- per piece
Above 50 nos @ 250/- per peice
Packing / transportation charges extra



The Director,

Cornerstone Ministries

49, Hutchins Main Road,
Bangalore 560 084, India

Cell : +919845026097 / +919845843431
Phone : 080 25463409